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Update to clients of Mildura Psychological Services 



As you will be aware the presence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts clients and staff at Mildura Psychological Services.


This update is to inform you of the actions Mildura Psychological Services are taking to:


  • Protect our clients from exposure to infection with the COVID-19.

  • Ensure we can continue to offer psychological treatment over the coming months.

  • Continue to provide support to our clients and the wider community.



Actions we are taking: 

Reducing risk of exposure to infection


All clients are asked not to attend the practice if:


  • You have respiratory symptoms (fever, cough, difficulty breathing), or

  • You are a suspected case of COVID-19

    • Persons who are requiring self-isolation (eg, returned overseas traveler in the last 14 days);​

    • Person who is awaiting test results of COVID-19;

    • Person who has been in close contact with a confirmed case.



Actions we are taking:

Alternative treatment options


Telehealth sessions (phone/video) are available to clients if they are unable to attend our practice.  If you would like to access this service, please contact our practice on 03 5022 1426.  






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